Enjoy FLoC 2022 in Haifa!
Check out the two mentoring workshops at FLoC’22 and talk to the sponsors at their booths on site! Read More …
A sharing platform for the Computer-Aided Verification community
Check out the two mentoring workshops at FLoC’22 and talk to the sponsors at their booths on site! Read More …
Several Postdoc and PhD positions are available to work on several topics at two institutions. Read More …
The doctoral college at TU Wien (Technical University Vienna) has 10 open full-time PhD positions supported by the novel interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral training programme. The application deadline is April 30 2022. See the full call here or read it below.
Heike Wehrheim is a professor at the University of Oldenburg and is looking for PhD students and PostDocs. Read her offer below:
Open Post-doc/senior researcher position working on smart contract security analysis using formal methods in the Cryptography and Blockchain Lab at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Read More …
Ori Lahav is looking for PhD candidates and PostDocs. He writes the following: … If you are interested, please feel free to contact Ori Lahav.
Check out this article if you are planning to do an internship, you can find useful tips and examples there. The article discusses everything from finding the right opportunity up to some common interview questions. …
Advances in Verification is a post conference workshop of FSTTCS 2020 and takes place online on December 18, 2020. Please find the Call for Participation and relevant links below. Note that even without registration you can attend the talks online via the live stream. Enjoy this workshop!
In his course, Lucas Cordeiro introduces basic and advanced approaches to building formally verified and trustworthy software systems. Further information and the course material is available at the course webpage.
Fifteen amazing PhD positions in the REMARO project are now available! REMARO is a new Marie-Curie network at the intersection of in AI and formal verification, and at the intersection between academia and companies developing underwater robots.
Application deadline: January 1, 2021 Anywhere on Earth
Unfortunately, this year’s international summer school in Marktoberdorf had to be cancelled… But you still can find many interesting resources like slides and tutorials from the previous years on the summer school’s website! Read More …
Check out the PROSE team at Microsoft to learn about how program synthesis enhances products and user experiences:
The PROSE team at Microsoft has pioneered the use of techniques based on program synthesis to create experiences that users describe as magical.
Please note the following offer from the University of Texas at Austin: We invite applications for one or more postdoctoral researcher positions available immediately — open until filled — at the University of Texas at Austin. The candidates are expected to conduct research at the intersection of formal methods and learning with problems drawn from Read More …
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo urgently invites applications for a tenure track position with an anticipated start date of January 01, 2021. Please find more information on this website.
No problem, you can still watch all the talks on YouTube! The links to the videos are included in the workshop program. Enjoy the workshop at your own pace and also check out the rest of the program at CAV 2020.
The Mental Health Working Group of the Leibniz PhD Network hosted a ‘webinar about mental health strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic’ also linking to ‘more resources for doctoral researchers’. Check out the recording of the webinar and the list of further resources here.
This year’s Verification Mentoring Workshop is going to have an amazing program – judging by the speakers that are already confirmed! Convince yourself on the VMW website where you will also find the latest updates (also check the CAV’20 homepage for updates).
Check out Jilles Vreeken‘s entertaining talk on how to cope with your Ph.D. panic.
“Laureates of mathematics and computer science meet the next generation.” With this motto, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum offers the perfect setting to get to know world-renown experts from the fields of mathematics and computer science (winners of, e.g., the Turing Award). Additionally, you will meet 200 bright young researchers with diverse backgrounds who aspire to be the future leaders in these areas.
Check out Ranjit Jhala‘s talk at the Verification Mentoring Workshop 2019 for tips on how to prepare good talks.