After this year’s CAV in just a few days (July 18-24) and CAV 2022 which will be part of FLoC 2022, the next edition of the conference on computer-aided verification that is looking for organizers is CAV 2023. Please find the call for proposals to chair CAV 2023 below, the submission deadline is July 18, 2021, so the preliminary proposals can be discussed during the virtual business meeting at CAV 2021.
The International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification is soliciting preliminary proposals to chair CAV 2023. We welcome proposals from established members of the CAV community to hold CAV 2023 in either North America or Europe. A proposal should be one page or less and include the following information:
- Who are the proposed chairs? Normally CAV has two or three co-chairs, at least one of whom should have a substantial connection to CAV, for example by being a PC member.
- Venue (potential options), with rough indication of cost (a formal quote is not required). A university campus can work well if meetings rooms are large enough and available. Please indicate the seating capacity of venue options for the main conference, whether dual tracks can be accommodated and how many smaller rooms are available for workshops.
- What is the proposed range of dates? The usual range for CAV is weeks 2-3 in July.
- What are travel options from major cities/regions in North America, Europe and Asia?
- Options for accommodation, with sample rates, any low-cost options for students such as dorm rooms and transit options to and from the conference venue(s) if applicable.
- Any special advantages your location may offer to CAV.
A preliminary proposal is informational and does not represent a commitment to chair the event. Preliminary proposals will be discussed at the CAV 2021 virtual business meeting and one or more will be selected by the Steering Committee to complete a detailed proposal. Potential chairs are welcome to make a brief presentation at the meeting, if desired. Preliminary proposals should be sent to a member of the CAV Steering Committee by July 18, 2021.
Orna Grumberg (
Aarti Gupta (
Daniel Kroening (
Ken McMillan (