The following workshops have been accepted this year:
- July 13: BeMC: The Best of Model Checking (BeMC) (Room L104) — workshop in honor of Orna Grumberg
- July 13: DARS: Design and Analysis of Robust Systems (Room 620)
- July 13: VMW: Verification Mentoring Workshop (Room L105)
- July 13-14: NSV: Numerical Software Verification (Room 617)
- July 13-14: VSTTE: Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (Room 304)
- July 14: Democratizing Software Verification (Room 620)
- July 14: FoMLAS: Formal Methods for ML-Enabled Autonomous Systems (Room L105)
- July 14: SYNT: Synthesis (Room L104)