Women in Logic 2020 is part of “Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020”
(https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/summer-of-love-2020/), a joint event on
LOgic and VErification, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite events.
This year, it will be held virtually, on June 30th (https://sites.google.com/g.uporto.pt/wil2020).
Abstract submission deadline: May 10, 2020
Notification: June 2, 2020
Abstracts should be written in English (1-2 pages),
and prepared using the Easychair style
The abstracts should be uploaded to the WiL 2020 Easychair page
as a PDF file (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2020)
before the submission deadline of May 10, 2020, anywhere on Earth.