CAV 2015 is the 27th in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-aided formal analysis methods for hardware and software systems. The conference covers the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with an emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that are needed for their implementation. CAV considers it vital to continue spurring advances in hardware and software verification while expanding to new domains such as biological systems and computer security. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. A selection of papers will be invited to a special issue of Formal Methods in System Design and the Journal of the ACM.
CAV 2015 Photos.
CAV Award Recipients: Edmund M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Ronald H. Hardin, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, Robert P. Kurshan, Helmut Veith, Zvi Harel for the development and implementation of the localization-reduction technique and the formulation of counterexample-guided abstraction refinement. See full text.
Best Artifact Award Recipients: Malte Isberner, Falk Howar, and Bernhard Steffen for The Open-Source LearnLib (sponsored by Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Location: Grand Hyatt, Union Square, San Francisco, California.
New this year: Artifact Evaluation.
Join the CAV Facebook page.
Photo: Mihai Budiu
Registration is now open. Early registration deadline is June 10 2015. CAV 2015 Registration.
The proceedings are available online: CAV 2015, part I, LNCS 9206. CAV 2015, part II, LNCS 9207.
There are no lunches served during workshops. Only hors d’oeuvres will be served during the main conference.
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