How do we get Inductive Invariants?
Verifying the correctness of loop-free programs (or of general programs, up to bounded depth) is difficult: the state space explodes exponentially as the depth increases.
Yet, the difficulty increases as we allow unboundedly many execution steps; proof approaches then generally rely on finding inductive invariants (properties shown to hold initially, then to remain true by induction). Abstract interpretation attempts finding inductive invariants within a given domain, e.g. conjunctions of linear inequalities. The classical approach iterates a transformer until the property becomes inductive. In general, this approach may not terminate; thus termination is often enforced with a “widening” operator, which attempts at generalizing the iterates into an inductive property. Unfortunately, widening operators are brittle, with non-monotonic behaviors (supplying more information about a system may result in worse analysis outcomes!). Therefore, other approaches have been developed (policy iteration,…), which avoid this pitfall. Finally, we shall discuss possible combinations of abstract interpretation and SMT-solving. |
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Hardware Model Checking
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