
As the call for paper says, the authors of tool papers and papers with experimental evaluation should make every effort to make results reproducible by submitting through EasyChair a repository including the implementation in source and binary as well as benchmarks and logfiles. If this is not possible, the reasons should be explained in the paper.

The experimental evaluations submitted through easychair will be handled with the same standards of confidentiality as the paper. A license statement may be included in the repository. As alternative to submitting the repository to EasyChair (particularly due to size restrictions), additional material can be published on a (hidden) web-page. A checksum such as the md5sum of the repository should be included as time stamp in the paper.

The EasyChair submission page can be found at:
it has been closed for new paper/abstract submission and also is closed for updating previously submitted papers/abstracts since the paper deadline has passed.