Postdocs available in formal analysis of code for secure hardware

Do you have a PhD (or will you soon have) in runtime verification, symbolic execution, fuzzing, automated reasoning, interactive theorem proving, or other methods for statically or dynamically reasoning about software systems? 

We are looking for two outstanding and ambitious postdoctoral research associates to work on our “SCorCH: Secure Code for Capability Hardware” project (  SCorCH is a collaboration between The University of Manchester, The University of Oxford, ARM Ltd, and Amazon Web Services that will leverage new advances in formal analysis tools to find security issues in code running on a new generation of security-aware hardware chips i.e. Capability Hardware. Our website provides an overview of our vision.

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Postdoc in Security for Neural Architectures at the University of Manchester, UK

We are excited to announce a new project called EnnCore, End-to-End Conceptual Guarding of Neural Architectures, funded as part of the UKRI call “Security for all in an AI-enabled society”. EnnCore will run from 2021-2024 in collaboration with The University of Manchester, The University of Liverpool, digital Experimental Cancer Medicine Team (dECMT), and Urbanchain. Read More …